Zoom lenke til tolking: Tirsdag 20.9.2022 |
08.30 | Registrering |
09.00-09.15 | Åpningsseremoni - Anne Britt Klemetsen Hætta, avdelingsleder, Sámi allaskuvla |
09.15-09.30 | Kulturinnslag |
09.30-10.30 | Konferansearrangørene gir en presentasjon av forskningsprosjektet, som har hatt fokus på kunnskaper om tradisjonelle sankingspraksiser |
10.30-11.00 | Kaffepause |
11.00-12.00 |
Keynote taler 1 Gunn-Britt Retter, Head of the Arctic and Environment Unit of the Saami Council - |
12.00-13.00 | Lunsj |
13.00-13.25 | Gro Ween - Sights of Sápmi. A methodological question regarding ways of knowing landscapes |
13.25-13.50 | Hanna Guttorm - Váldit dušše dan maid dárbbaša: To take only as much as needed |
13.50-14.15 | Liv Østmo - Sáhttá go olmmoš hálddašit meahci ja meahccevalljodagaid?/Can humans manage meahcci (collection of practical places and relations) and the wealth of meahcci? |
14.15-14.30 | Pause |
14.30-14.55 | Ellen Marie Jensen - Gathering in the presence of ancestors: reflections on land/orality/kinship in a fjord community in West-Finnmark |
14.55-15.20 | Nina Smedseng - Bærekraftig Samisk reiseliv - kunnskaper og omsorg i landskapspraksiser /Sustainable Sámi tourism – knowledges and care in landscape practices |
15.20-15.45 | Hannah Zimmerman - Davvieamiálbmotgielaid rolla riidaleamis dálkkádatrievdama vuostá - geogielladieđalaš guorahallan/The Role of Northern Indigenous Languages in fighting Climate Change: A Geolinguistic Analysis |
16.00 | Ekskursjon |
19.00 | Middag på Sámi Allaskuvla |
Onsdag 21.9.2022 |
09.00-10.00 |
Keynote taler 2 Thomas F. Thornton, Professor at the University of Alaska Southeast – Indigenous Cultivation and Care of Berries and Berried Landscapes in an Alaskan “Wilderness” Park |
10.00-10.30 | Kaffepause |
10.30-10.55 | Britt Kramvig - Landscape of remembrance |
10.55-11.20 | Bente Sundsvold, Vibeke Steinsholm og Ove Stødle - To put an archive to work: bracing up local handcraft knowledge of seabirds? |
11.20-11.45 | Camilla Risvoll - Local stories of identity, practice and belonging in times of extensive change in the mountains of Salten, Northern Norway |
11.45-13.00 | Lunsj |
13.00-13.25 | Einar J. Asbjørnsen - Game and fish management on the Finnmark Estate |
13.25-13.50 | Camilla Brattland, Bente Sundsvold og Svanhild Andersen - Knowing and caring about the future: The Porsangerfjord back to life |
13.50-14.15 | Janike Kampevold Larsen - How to care for grazing meadows and berry resources in Finnmark? The case of Empetrum nigrum |
14.15-14.30 | Pause |
14:30-14.55 | Kateryna Korzh - Wild berries in food practices and in tourism |
14.55-15.20 | Lena Gross - Tending to the land as acts of Indigenous sovereignty and resistance: Caring, Indigenous knowledges, and the settler colonial violence of oil sands extraction in Alberta, Canada |
15.20-15.45 | Kajsa Kuljok - Geten i det renskötande samhället - kontinuitet och förändring i traditioner / The goat in the reindeer herding society – continuity and change in traditions |
15.45-16.15 | Kaffepause |
16.15-16.40 | Carola Babette Kleemann og Anne Myrstad - Landscape practices in a coastal Sámi kindergarten department |
16.40 | Avslutning dag 2 |
19.00 | Middag med kulturelt innslag på Thon Hotel |
Torsdag 22.9.2022 |
09.00-09.30 |
Keynote taler 3 Chief Wanda Pascal, the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Women’s Council and Brenda Parlee, professor at the University of Alberta – “The land is our medicine cabinet” Gwich’in Women and the Importance of Biodiversity to Health and Well-being |
09.30-09.55 | Marianne Lien - ‘Fjøsgryta’; Feeding practices along the Varanger coast and the forgotten affordances of coastal environments |
09.55-10.25 | Kaffepause |
10.25-10.50 | Konsta Kaikkonen - Fjordscapes and cultural translations in Unjárga |
11.50-11.15 | Jorunn Jernsletten - Cultural sustainability from a local Sámi museum perspective |
11.15-12.00 | Diskusjon |
12.00 | Lunsj |