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Application for accomodation at ordinary exams
Sámi University of Applied Sciences can provide accomodations for candidates with documented reading and/or writing difficulties, candidates with disabilities, candidates that are pregnant and in need of rest, candidates that are in need of breaks to breastfeed etc. Accomodations during the examination may be physical adaptations, aids such as computer equipment and more time to complete the exam.
Candidates who require accomodations shall apply for this a minimum of two weeks before the exam. In case of unexpected situations, there may be exceptions to the deadline. The documentation must describe the needs for accomodations during examinations, and a declaration from a doctor/ speech therapist/ psychologist that describes the accomodation the candidate requires for the examination. Application for accomodations in examinations shall be done in writing for each examination period. If a chronic disease that provides a basis for accomodations is documented, it is sufficient that the candidate submits a medical certificate the first time he/she is applying for special arrangements in examinations. Applications will be processed administratively in consultation with the coordinator of the study. Please fill in this form, and send it to the academic administration